New Moon in Gemini

Thursday, June 6th at 6:37 AM (MTN)

Happy New Moon in Gemini, Funk It babes!

New Moons are a time for new beginnings and transformations. They bring fresh energy into our life as we dream and create the life we truly want – and how perfect that the creative energy of Gemini is helping us try new things.

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is a sign all about curiosity, communication, and spontaneity.

This is a beautiful time to invite in anything new you have been wanting to try – mixed in with the connection and flexibility to try it out. How do you expect beautiful change to happen when we are stuck in the same old patterns and routines? If we are craving something new to bring to the table, it’s time to shake things up – get a little curious and uncomfortable – and go for it!

Gemini, considered one of the most social signs, is also all about connection. Summer is coming, the sun is shining bright, and people are coming alive. Hibernation is over and life is all around us. Utilize this time of the year mixed in with the energy of the Twins – harness it, and encourage yourself to connect with your community!

Remember – you are the main character of your own life. Play all the roles you want – Gemini is all about switching it up and embracing all of our parts. Be spontaneous - try out a new hobby, even if it is only for a day. Sign up for a class. Play on a sports team. Ask a friend to try out a new restaurant with you. Jump in the river! Go out and dance! The options are endless – the message is simply to just go for it. What is the worst that can happen?


Think about the hobby, pastime, or fun ‘thing’ you have been wanting to try – and simply begin. Buy the supplies you need, sign up for the class, go for the drive – if you have been thinking or dreaming about it, now it is the time. Harness the spontaneity of Gemini and the ‘go getter’ attitude. Do it, and reflect on how you feel afterwards. Revel in the feeling. Soak it in and enjoy it!


What am I wanting to transform in my life? What are my current goals and dreams? Write them down and follow with an action you can do for yourself to get there.

EX:I want to run a marathon. ACTION: Start by walking or running. Look up a marathon running program. Ask a friend to join you as an accountability buddy. Simply go for it - right now!

What are some new hobbies or pastimes I have been wanting to add in? New Moons are all about new beginnings. What am I ready to start?

How can I add in more connection into my life? What type of connection do I want more of?

As always, thank you for being here. We are forever grateful and we are currently harnessing Gemini’s spontaneity ourselves.

m + c


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