cosmic journal

“it’s getting hot in here”
Events Chloe Russell Events Chloe Russell

“it’s getting hot in here”

Think Nelly meets mindful fashionistas… we want you to take learning to a whole new, KIND level. We are huge fangirls of Mother Earth, and therefore want to do her proud by being kind to not only her, but ourselves as we look into our own patterns surrounding fashion. We’re not perfect humans, but we can always strive to be better!

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New Moon in Virgo
New Moon Markie Russell New Moon Markie Russell

New Moon in Virgo

New moons are a time of transformation, a portal of rebirth. It’s a time of manifestation, of calling in what your heart desires, of making the space that is needed for you to continue stepping into your dream life.

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Markie Russell Markie Russell


Aquarius loves to think big, explore new ideas, and love being independent. What can you clear out to make sure you are feeling free in your life?

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New Moon in Leo
New Moon Markie Russell New Moon Markie Russell

New Moon in Leo

New moons are a time of transformation, a time of rebirth. It’s a time of manifestation, of calling in what your heart desires, of making the space that is needed for you to continue stepping into your dream life. It is a portal that we can step into.

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Buck Full Moon
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Buck Full Moon

We are experiencing two full moons in Capricorn this Cancer season, marking an intense month of realizing our own challenging beliefs towards ourselves and releasing them.

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New Moon in Cancer
New Moon Markie Russell New Moon Markie Russell

New Moon in Cancer

The Moon is at home right now in Cancer. This season can be an emotional one, as the tides of the moon may pull us around extra. Lean into this intuitive period full of feelings – it is best to go with the waves, rather than fight up current.

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Strawberry Full Moon
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Strawberry Full Moon

We are experiencing two full moons in Capricorn this Cancer season, marking an intense month of realizing our own challenging beliefs towards ourselves and releasing them.

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$10 Bag Sale
Chloe Russell Chloe Russell

$10 Bag Sale

We’re hosting our FIRST bag sale in our new space! Think of this as a pre-party to what will be the first of many in our NEW home. Not only is this a great way to grab some new clothes at an affordable price, but it’s also a chance to come walk through our home on the Northside BEFORE we officially open our doors for our coffee shop.

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New Moon in Gemini
New Moon Markie Russell New Moon Markie Russell

New Moon in Gemini

New Moons are a time for new beginnings and transformations. They bring fresh energy into our life as we dream and create the life we truly want – and how perfect that the creative energy of Gemini is helping us try new things.

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Flower Full Moon
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Flower Full Moon

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, encourages us to be curious and open our minds to new trains of thought and experiences. Archers are known as the eternal student of the zodiac. This sign also loves newness - which is perfect energy combined with release. What can you let go of so that new can come in?

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