Flower Full Moon

May 23, 2024 at 7:53 AM (mtn)

Happy Gemini season and Full Moon in Sagittarius!

Full moons are a beautiful time to reflect on what you are ready to release in order to make space for what is to come. It is a time of change and transformation, a time to face our shadows so that we can also welcome in more light. Full moons are typically associated with closure and the release we need to continue stepping into our dream life. While this may be a time of heightened emotions, intense dreams, and high feelings - remind yourself of what a gift it is to be able to feel.

Trust that the Universe is always looking out for you and wants the best for you.

Think back to December in 2023, during the New Moon in Sagittarius. What were you calling in at this point? What cycles are being completed that you were working on six months ago?

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, encourages us to be curious and open our minds to new trains of thought and experiences. Archers are known as the eternal student of the zodiac. This sign also loves newness - which is perfect energy combined with release. What can you let go of so that new can come in?

Sagittarius wants you to shake things up and leap into the unknown, to bring in fresh routines, to take leaps of faith to see what unfolds. Now is the time to take the chance you have been thinking about. What needs to be released in order to welcome in your manifestations?

Routines are helpful to building the life we want, but being stuck in the same mundane routines (are you actively creating your dream life with this?) can hold us back. Is there anything that you want a new outcome with, but you are stuck doing the same old thing? How can we be doing the same thing we always are, and expect something different? Think about what you can change in your life - what new energy you can welcome in - that helps you create the version of you that you are craving.

Take the energetic, confident energy of Sagittarius to help release what is holding you back. Try something new to create your dream life. Remember that you are in control - and the Universe is supporting you and wants to see you succeed. Take a deep breath and release what is holding you back. The only way to look is forward.


Go for a walk. Have no goal with this walk - other than to be present with your own dreams and thoughts. What is your dream for yourself? What are some routines you can shake up, or add to, that will help you cultivate the version of yourself you see in your head? Know that you are already that version.

Think of something new you can add to your routine to make your dreams a reality. Make this fun - and know you can switch it up. You don’t need to be stuck in the same routine for long if it is not working for you.


What do I need to release in order to make room for new energy in my life?

What are my routines right now? Write them out. Are these routines helping you build your dream life? Are they supportive in helping you continue to step into your worth?

What are some new routines I can create, or try out for myself, that will help me expand and welcome in the best version of myself? Remember to make this fun and playful - the whole point of life is to enjoy.

as always, thank you for taking the time to reflect with us.

in full moon gratitude,

m + c


New Moon in Gemini


New Moon in Taurus