Story Sale

Funk It Thrift Instagram Story Sale

You may have seen our last “story sale” going on through Instagram, and asked the most commonly stated question,

What the funk is that?

Don’t worry, we’ve got your in-depth run down of what to expect for the next one and how to navigate it.

First, let’s start with the basics. Instagram, and why we’ve chosen it as our main social and marketing platform. Well the obvious being it’s FREE, for one, and we’re millennials, so it’s our social poison of choice. And within the Instagram app, they allow for daily posts called a “story” that disappear after 24 hours. Hence, where our “story sale” will be hosted.

Alright, now lets break-down the how-to’s:

  • Our story sales are (at the time of this post) are being hosted on one Monday every month at 5 PM. Once 5 o’clock hits we begin posting the items for sale with their size and price.

  • If there is something that grabs your attention and you can’t seem to stop thinking about it, DM (direct message — the little arrow on the bottom right) us and say “Funk yes!” Or whatever phrase that tends to spill from your mouth when you become overrun with excitement.

  • At that time we would respond with our Venmo handle, and you would have 15 minutes to send the money and claim your new garb! If you don’t send the money over, the next person in line would have an opportunity to snatch the sought-out-item.

  • After you have purchased the item, you would then choose “local pickup at Draught Works Brewery” or postage for an additional charge.

Snap. Crackle. Pop. It’s that easy.

Check our Instagram, or the announcement bar on our website for the next pop-up or story sale! If you have any further questions, shoot over an email or DM and we’ll try our best to answer whatever you got for us.

Stay funky,

c + m


Pop-up Shop