Pop-up Shop

inspiring less waste and more play


funk it


inspiring less waste and more play 〰️ funk it 〰️

Hey there,

You may have stumbled upon this post wondering – pop ups?! What are they and how do they work?! Or maybe you’re an expert, and come with a keen sense of curiosity. Either way, you’ve come to the right place, let us gift you with an insiders guide to the tricks of our “trade.” Even though we do not have a physical space right now, we are getting pretty comfortable making ourselves at home at the various pop ups around town.

Missoula is an incredibly supportive community, and many already established businesses open up their space for small vendors to sling their wares. We are so grateful to be invited to participate in various pop ups and to set up our little ‘home’ for you to try on secondhand goods.

To give you the best chance at knowing how to navigate our pop up, and coming home with a new (but lovingly used) garment, check our guide below:

Funk It: A guide to successfully shopping our Pop Up

First, and foremost, (this is the part you want to take note) at every pop up you can find some amazing deals – alongside regularly priced items, we always have a special sale going on. For the next week, it is $1 t-shirts and $5 shoes (yes, you read that right), but it is ever changing. Stay tuned in to our Instagram for the most up-to-date sales.

Everything is priced in advance (so no haggling please — you can try, but most likely we’ll just go up in price) and priced according to stickers. Yes, if you have shopped with us before, we are changing the way we price things – saving all of us some time. Match the sticker on the back of the garment (usually on the tag of the garment) with the color of the sticker hanging on signs all around the space to find out how much that particular piece is!

Funk It Thrift Pop Up Shop at Draught Works

Funk It Thrift Pop Up

We love taking a small space and turning it into a cute, mini shop for you to explore and have fun wherever it may be!

Thrifting is fun because it helps you to find unique pieces to add to your wardrobe in a sustainable way. We encourage you to try things on, have fun, play with your style and express yourself! You are welcome to slip things on in front of the mirror we have in our booth, or if the venue allows, take things to try on in the bathroom. We want you to feel confident and happy with your purchase! Just a friendly reminder, all sales are final.

We also have a few of our own merchandise for sale! We offer reusable tote bags that are perfect for groceries, overnight stays, beach days, picnics, books, or whatever your heart desires that needs to travel from one space to another. Help reduce your waste with carrying around reusable bags wherever you go! And don’t forget about our sticker designs also for sale – or for free, if you show us that you follow us on Instagram (what a deal!).

And lastly, for the biggest insiders tip yet (do you have your pen out still? good), as you browse the amazing vendors at each pop up, you may want to swing by a couple of times throughout your perusing, because as one garment sells, we are always replacing it with a new one out of our bin… So if you think you’ve missed “all the good stuff” at the beginning, we’re here to debunk that statement, and give you a leg up on shopping with us! Because good things come to those who wait… or circle back around.

We’re so excited to see everyone at our pop-ups. As always, have fun and don’t forget to play a little while you shop! Thank you for helping us extend the lives of clothes, and keeping pieces out of the landfills.

Stay funky,

m + c

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