Full Moon in Pisces

Tuesday, September 17th at 8:34 PM (mtn)

Happy FULL MOON, babes!

This full moon is not only a supermoon, it is also a partial lunar eclipse. This makes the Harvest Full Moon extra special as we welcome in autumn in just a matter of days.

Full moons are a time of closure, a time of endings. Eclipses mark big endings and change - pair this with Pisces, the last sign in the zodiac - and be ready for some big endings coming your way. Welcome them!

Pisces, an emotional sign, is all about allowing yourself to feel. Lean into your intuition during this full moon - what change are you craving, what are you ready to say goodbye to? What are you ready to shake up? Feel into this - allow dreamy Pisces to flow with the intuition of change that needs to happen, rather than analytical reason from Virgo.

What are your big dreams? What do you envision for yourself when you think of your dream life, of your goals, of what you would do if nothing was holding you back? What is holding you back?

We hang onto patterns and routines that are familiar for us - but sometimes, these habits do not serve us and keep us hanging in our past before we can fully jump into our present. Be gentle with yourself as you reevaluate - is there anything you are ready to let go of? Let watery Pisces guide your daydreams as you vision the life you crave.

Start with some small endings that will make you feel good. Small, consistent actions usually lead to long term habitual change. Whatever it is, treat yourself with kindness as you continue creating your dream life. Celebrate all of your wins and all of the times you consciously break a habit. Start a list in your phone with moments you broke a habit - such as not mindlessly scrolling, eating nutritious meals instead of something quick, choosing to go for a walk over another episode, or saying no when you want to - especially when you would typically say yes. Look over your wins everyday and celebrate the work you are putting in for yourself.

This life is yours, baby. Saying goodbye in order to say hello is a critical part of the process.


The summer season is drawing to a close. Walk barefoot in the grass, or lay outside and allow the sun to heat you. Give yourself some time and space alone - no music, no podcasts, no company. Be with yourself and be present. Practice just simply being. Do not think of your to do list, or of plans, or even what you want to change in your life. Be with yourself, be with nature, and soak it all in. Practice giving yourself these moments of just simply being all week. What a gift it is to be alive. ❤️


What are you ready to let go of in your life right now?

What are some of your dreams you have for yourself? List them.

What is holding you back from going for these dreams?

What are some actionable steps you can take to go for it? This can be small or large - every step is still an important part of the journey, no matter how big.

cheers to all of us always expanding, and thank you for reading and being here. ❤️

all the love,



“it’s getting hot in here”