“it’s getting hot in here”

fashion show

friday, october 4th


Climate Smart Missoula is hosting a week of Climate Solutions from September 28th through October 6th. There will be a variety of events going on all week all over town to strengthen the community’s resolve for tackling the climate emergency.

We are delighted to partake by hosting a First Friday fashion show which will showcase a variety of sustainable makers in Missoula and advocate awareness on the effect fashion has on climate change.


“it’s getting hot in here”

Think Nelly meets mindful fashionistas… we want you to take learning to a whole new, KIND level. We are huge fangirls of Mother Earth, and therefore want to do her proud by being kind to not only her, but ourselves as we look into our own patterns surrounding fashion. We’re not perfect humans, but we can always strive to be better!

With the climate crisis in full force, we are passionate to understand where fashion plays a part in the rising temperature, and how we can help. When we first began toying with the idea of opening a thrift store we began doing some research and found out the hard truth of textiles being the number two waste in the world.

With that knowledge we discussed where we could begin to fit ourselves into the conversation, and eventually maybe into the solution. We know that the first step is to acknowledge the problem.

Our whole angle has been to inspire change by educating through open communication. We recognize that shaming or calling out negative behavior creates an opposite effect from our sole purpose, which is to promote conscious consumerism. So without further adieu, we present you with “It’s getting hot in here” — a sustainability-focused fashion show promoting discussion around our own fashionable actions.

how to dress

Take this theme however you feel called:

  • Show off in your itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini

  • Come in your most fiery red/yellow/orange garb

  • Take a stand in BLUE to cool the increasing climate

In whatever you come in, we ask that you come in something that stands out! Be bold. Be bright. Be exuberant. This is a fashion show, of course. And if nothing else, be kind and come with an open mind.

the artists

  • Gemini mountain swimwear

    • Uses sustainable fabrics

    • Everything is made to order

  • Moonlight citizen

    • Reworked vintage/reworked clothes/upcycle clothing

  • Tata Tees

    • Upcycled shirts with a little spice

  • Indiuhh

    • Handmade with vintage textiles

    • One of a kind pieces made with materials from the past

    • Honor the material working with – cut intentionally to utilize the entire fabric


2:00 – Funk It will close early

6:00 – Doors will open to the public

6:45 – Last call for drinks before the show -15 minute warning for everyone to get seated

7:00 – Show will begin with a SHORT presentation from Climate Smart and Funk It

7:25 (ish)  – Afterparty begins

10:00 – Party ends…

stay funky,

markie + chloë


Full Moon in Pisces


New Moon in Virgo