cosmic journal

Full Moon in Pisces
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Full Moon in Pisces

Full moons are a time of closure, a time of endings. Eclipses mark big endings and change - pair this with Pisces, the last sign in the zodiac - and be ready for some big endings coming your way.

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Buck Full Moon
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Buck Full Moon

We are experiencing two full moons in Capricorn this Cancer season, marking an intense month of realizing our own challenging beliefs towards ourselves and releasing them.

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Strawberry Full Moon
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Strawberry Full Moon

We are experiencing two full moons in Capricorn this Cancer season, marking an intense month of realizing our own challenging beliefs towards ourselves and releasing them.

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Flower Full Moon
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Flower Full Moon

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, encourages us to be curious and open our minds to new trains of thought and experiences. Archers are known as the eternal student of the zodiac. This sign also loves newness - which is perfect energy combined with release. What can you let go of so that new can come in?

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Pink Full Moon in Scorpio
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Pink Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moons bring a heightened sense of emotion, and when combined with the emotional pull of Scorpions, be prepared for extra feelings. Lean into this and trust what is coming up. Take the time to truly dive into the deep, cool water of Scorpio to learn and to let that shit go. Carve out space to allow yourself to fully feel and be present in the moment.

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Worm Moon in Libra
Full Moon, Eclipse Markie Russell Full Moon, Eclipse Markie Russell

Worm Moon in Libra

This full moon in Libra is full of energy that is putting us into deep transformation and awakening – and it is highlighting relationships in our lives, including (and this is a big one) the relationship we have with ourselves. Libra reminds us to connect with our hearts and to lead with communication and compassion from this place.

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Snow Full Moon in Virgo
Full Moon Chloe Russell Full Moon Chloe Russell

Snow Full Moon in Virgo

Leo, ruled by the Sun, reminds us of how much fun it is to play and romanticize your life. Lions stand proud, loyal and courageous, and aren’t afraid to jump in and try something new. Remind yourself that you can reinvent yourself as many times as you want.

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Wolf Moon in Leo
Full Moon Chloe Russell Full Moon Chloe Russell

Wolf Moon in Leo

Leo, ruled by the Sun, reminds us of how much fun it is to play and romanticize your life. Lions stand proud, loyal and courageous, and aren’t afraid to jump in and try something new. Remind yourself that you can reinvent yourself as many times as you want.

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