Full Moon in Aquarius

Monday, August 19th at 12:28 PM

Happy FULL MOON, babes!

Full moons are a time for closure, a time for releasing what is no longer needed in order for you to continue stepping into your dream life. It is a time of learning, of being gentle with yourself as you realize what is no longer serving you.

This full moon is in Aquarius, who is ruled by Uranus. Uranus governs technology, innovation, and change. This time period is perfect for welcoming in change to make room to design how you want your life to look. Utilize main character energy from Leo season to remind yourself that YOU are in control, and you are the leading role in your life. And that role can continue to evolve and change as you evolve and change.

Aquarius loves to think big, explore new ideas, and loves being independent. What can you clear out to make sure you are feeling free in your life? Is there anything holding you back from chasing those big ideas, big dreams? What can you release to make space for innovation?

This full moon in Aquarius encourages us to think outside the societal norms and question what we truly want. Use Aquarius’ revolutionary energy to reevaluate what your role is in this world - and if you are brave enough to chase it (hint hint, you are!).

Being a revolutionary and innovative sign, Aquarius is all about technology. How are you tied to technology during this full moon? Is there anything that needs to change? Perhaps you need to rethink your phone time usage, or even use it in a different way. Are you able to balance technology while also staying grounded in the present moment?

This is a beautiful time to pause, reflect, and remember that the time is now. It is a gift to allow yourself to be present in the moment. Treat yourself with love during the full moon. It can feel like a lot - and what a delicious treat to give to yourself. The ability and space to feel a lot. ❤️


Go outside in the summer sun. Perhaps this is during golden hour, the heat of the day, or right as the sun begins to rise. Feel the energy from the sun, the summer season still upon us. Allow yourself to dream big. If you were to invent something right now, what would it be? Why? Journal about your inventions - whether it be something serious or playful. How dos it feel to let yourself dream big?


Do you feel free in your life right now? Why or why not?

Is there anything surrounding the theme of technology in your life that you feel needs to be released? (example: phone first thing in the morning or last thing at night, too much screen time, etc.)

What needs to be released to make space for more of your dream life?

thank you for reading and being here ❤️

all the love,



New Moon in Virgo


New Moon in Leo