New Moon in Virgo

Monday, September 2nd at 7:55 PM (MTN)

Happy New Moon in Virgo, my earthy babes!

New moons are a time of transformation, a portal of rebirth. It’s a time of manifestation, of calling in what your heart desires, of making the space that is needed for you to continue stepping into your dream life.

I may be a little biased being an earthly Virgo myself, but this season has been exactly what I needed. The end of the summer draws near, the days are still warm while the evenings are cooling down. This new moon in Virgo calls us to balance out perfection in our life - to balance out who we want to be with who we are right in this moment. Comparison is never the answer, and Virgo encourages us to accept and embrace our true, authentic selves.

What transformations are you craving right now? Virgo is all about patience and reliability - how can you show up for yourself with as much grace as you show up for others? Remember that lasting change may take time. New routines, new habits, new rituals may take awhile to hit home for you - be gentle with yourself as create your dream life.

What does your heart desire most for yourself? Be true to your inner thoughts as you reflect from what you want most from this wild and authentic life. Virgo can lean towards perfectionism - which is not always a good thing. Be kind to yourself as you create your ‘perfect’ life, and remember that the ups and downs are a beautiful part of your story.

Autumn is coming soon. How do you want to end the summer season with yourself? How can you use this loving, nurturing energy to continue stepping into the portal of your dream life as you create the life you desire? How can you organize and clean your physical life to continue cultivating the energy you wish to put out into the world? Use this beautiful Virgo energy to manifest your dream life. Now is the time to step into your most authentic self.


Pick an area of your house that needs to be cleaned. Dedicate time to clean it, and set the scene while you are doing so. Light a candle, turn on some cozy lamps. Put on a podcast or some music. Enjoy the process. Reflect on how good it feels to have your physical space clean, and reflect on how it makes you feel emotionally and spiritually. Utilize this energy in a loving way to keep building your dream life. Romanticize every aspect of your one beautiful life.


What are some changes you wish to make to continue building your dream life?

What aspect of your dream life are you craving the most right now?

What are some daily routines or habits that you wish to add in to your life? Why haven’t those happened yet?

As always, thank you for being here.I can’t wait to see what you do to continue building your dream life.

with all the love,



“it’s getting hot in here”


Full Moon in Aquarius