New Moon in Leo

Sunday, August 4th at 5:13 AM (MTN)

Happy New Moon in Leo, fiery babes!

New moons are a time of transformation, a time of rebirth. It’s a time of manifestation, of calling in what your heart desires, of making the space that is needed for you to continue stepping into your dream life.

Leo is main character energy. Ruled by the masculine Sun, he is here to remind you that we are in charge of our own lives. Leo’s energy is fiery, passionate, loving, and playful. Harness this energy as we dance fully into the middle of summer (yes, summer is still in full swing!).

What transformations are you craving right now? Leo is all about fun – what can you add into your life that will bring more pleasure, more play? We heal and work on ourselves, so that then we can play and enjoy. Don’t forget to make space for fun, whatever that means to you. Leos love adventure, so utilize the energy from the sun to fuel that!

It’s a gift to be able to use the phases of the moon to pause and to reflect, to think about where we are at in life, what we can change, and what we can call in. Leo radiates confidence – are you feeling confident in your own life? How else can you become more confident, more sure of who you are? Remember, you are the main character in your own life, and life is more pleasurable when you focus on what your authentic self wants from life. Be confident in who you are – and discovering who you are. Change is constant – embrace it!

Soak up the summer sun, revel in the sunsets. Feel the warmth on your skin. Go outside and play. Dress up. Romanticize a morning, and then an afternoon. Make a point to romanticize an entire day – until your gratitude and presence is radiating out from you. Enjoy the small moments. Pick the perfect playlist for the opening credits for your movie. It’s Leo season, baby. Play life like you are the main character – because guess what? You ARE.


Go for a walk, whether this be a sunrise walk, a sunset walk, middle of the day, or anytime. Go alone, but before you do – pick out a playlist that represents how you want to feel. Dress up – pretend like you are in the opening credits of a movie, starring the one and only uniquely you. Romanticize all of – the songs, the outfits. Pop your headphones in and go – let the scene be whatever it needs to be in the movie of you. Is this a walk by the river? On the beach? Downtown at sunset? Set the setting. Enjoy this small, playful act – simply done for the enjoyment for only you, nothing else.


What are some transformations you are calling in for yourself? What are some beautiful changes you are ready to implement?

In this present moment, are you feeling more like a main character or a supporting role in your life? Why (either way?) Does this feel authentic and good for the time of your life right now?


How can you become more confident in being authentically you?


Full Moon in Aquarius


Buck Full Moon