New Moon in Aquarius

Friday, February 9th, 2024 at 3:58 PM

Capricornus Constellation - Capricorn

How is it possible we are already on our second new moon of 2024?! Buckle up, cosmic astronauts, because the Moon has danced her way around the Earth again, and it is time to set some new intentions.

Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, is all about inspiring change for the common good. This revolutionary planet loves to consider the views of as many people as possible around them, sharing wise, loving insight all around. Channel this energy and think of ways that you can connect to your community and loved ones around you.

New moons are beautiful times to reflect, create and design your life. When we allow ourselves to be pulled into the tides of the moon, we surrender ourselves to becoming aware of the subtle energies surrounding us that aren’t always so subtle. The more aware we become, the more conscious our life, actions, and energy becomes.

Whatever energy we emit, we attract back in. Aquarius season is all about attracting the life we want to create – the life we have a deep love for. It is a time to be honest with yourself and see if you are vibrating at your highest self to claim all that is coming for you. Aquarians love truth and honesty. Are your actions matching your words? Where are your thoughts coming from within your conscious? The more conscious we become of our unconscious, the more that is unlocked that leads us to our dream life.

Use this deep love and inspiration for change that Aquarius emits to pause and consider where you are at in your life right now. Since the start of the numerical year, have your actions and thoughts lined up with your wishes and desires? Be gentle with yourself, as change comes from truly wanting and being ready for growth. Maybe you were tip toeing the line of change, and now you are ready. Use the love of Aquarius to connect to your community to lift you up in ways you didn’t know you needed.


We love meditation and daydreaming, as well as moments of pause and stillness throughout the day. Set yourself up for a cozy 10-15 minutes. Perhaps put on jazzy-lofi in the background, or a higher frequency vibrational music. Set the volume to low. Pour yourself a cup of cozy tea. Make yourself comfy on a couch, chair, or on the floor (it is so good for you to sit on the floor). Think about what you are grateful for in the community you are a part of. Perhaps this is the town where you live, your place of work, an online space, your friends, or a new gym. This can be anything and everything. Reflect with gratitude and love on all you receive from this community, and all that you give. What are some ways you can contribute more? What are some ways you can lean on your community to continue creating your dream life?

Example: We are incredibly grateful for the community we have in Missoula and the Funk It community we are creating and expanding. Our hearts are full of gratitude and love for all the different people we have connected with since putting our dream out for all to see. So many different humans have already been a part of the process, and we are absolutely radiating with love for all of them and everyone to come. We are thrilled and excited to bring our vision of Funk It to the Missoula community, creating a space that is welcoming to all and that will become a home to many. Community is so important to us, and is at the foundation of all our values.

Journal about this daydream and about how community feels to you.


What is the energy I wish to carry myself with over the next few weeks?

What are some ways I can become more conscious of my subconscious over the next few weeks?

How can I continue building my dream life and matching my actions to my words and thoughts? Are my internal words and thoughts matching the energy I wish to put out into the world? Remember to respond with love and compassion, especially when communicating internally with yourself.

Happy New Moon in Aquarius! We are using this peppy, spunky energy to help us dance a little dance through this next cycle. And as always, thank you for taking the time to be here and read. We hope you feel our endless gratitude towards our Funk It community.

in light and love,

m + c


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