Snow Full Moon in Virgo

Saturday, February 24th at 5:30 AM


This full moon is all about tidying up what needs to be released and letting that shit go. Full moons are a time of closure and completion, allowing endings to happen so that we can welcome in new beginnings.

Lean into this earthy Virgo energy and think back onto where you were six months ago when it was a new moon in Virgo in September. What was happening in your life? Where were you at? Are there any patterns, realizations, or understandings that are ready to be released so that you can continue stepping into your true power?

Have you been feeling called to look inward and see if your actions are meeting your thoughts, hopes, desires? Now is the time to be true to yourself and lay it all out on the table. Virgo energy can be analytical (and at times, maybe too critical) so harness these traits and use them to your advantage. How can I continue being the best me that I can be? Have you been feeling the need to physically clean your space and make room for a more aligned version of you? The energy that we feel from a clean house, a clean room, a clean kitchen, is so inspiring and motivating. Get rid of what no longer serves you, gift it to a friend, donate it, compost it, whatever needs to be done. Releasing feels good.

Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is a calm, direct, and healing sign. Mercury represents communication, so talk to yourself with grace and compassion as you reflect on ways you can be there for yourself in your healing process. Combine this Virgo energy with intuitive Pisces emotion as you do this. We all have a healing process, and it is continuously growing, evolving, and changing to meet our needs we have in the current moment. Ground yourself in the present and fill it with gratitude as you utilize this natural healing energy coming from Virgo.

Draw yourself a bath. Look in the mirror and say affirmations to yourself. Journal. Meditate. Be there for you in ways you never have been before. Perhaps this means setting the table before you eat breakfast. Perhaps this means buying yourself a chocolate bar for no reason. Perhaps this means making your bed first thing in the morning as you listen to your favorite song. Appreciate these little gifts you give yourself.

Aligned Actions

Clean your space. Harness Virgo energy as you listen to your favorite playlist or podcast and truly enjoy making your space clean. You deserve it. Dance as you wipe down counters, clean the mirrors, water the plants. Don’t forget to scrub every nook and cranny – and notice how you feel after every single part of your home is clean. How delicious. Afterwards, light a candle, make a cup of tea, and settle in. Enjoy your home and reflect on how it makes you feel. Is this an easy aligned action that makes you feel good and supportive? Reflect on this.

Journal Questions:

How does my internal world feel when my external world is cared for? EXAMPLE: When my house is clean, how does my mental health feel? When I work out/wash my face/take care of my body, how does my internal body feel?


What needs to be released to be able to keep building these healthy habits I desire for myself? What is standing in my way? Acknowledge this – there is such strength in being truthful to yourself.


What are some ways I can carry more grounded energy with me throughout my day? EXAMPLE: If I start my day with a twenty minute walk outside, I feel more calm and connected with the earth.

As always, thank you for being here with us. Our cups are endlessly overflowing with the glittery gratitude we feel towards our community.

Stay funky,

m + c


New Moon in Pisces


New Moon in Aquarius