Wolf Moon in Leo

Thursday, January 25th at 10:54 AM (MTN)

Wolf Moon in Leo with a Lion

Happy Full Moon, you fiery babes!

Full moons are a time of closure and endings, thus beckoning in new, delicious beginnings. Emotions may be heightened when the light of the full moon draws out what needs to be addressed and urges us to take action and release any negative – or stagnant – energy. Make space for all those sparkly, new vibes to enter into your sphere!

As this first full moon of 2024 is in the fiery, passionate sign of Leo, intense feelings may arise. Harness this main character energy of Leo and reflect on how much you have already grown this year alone. You are the star of your own show. Pat yourself on the back, dear ones, because we are growing and changing and this is only the beginning.

Leo, ruled by the Sun, reminds us of how much fun it is to play and romanticize your life. Lions stand proud, loyal and courageous, and aren’t afraid to jump in and try something new. Perhaps there is something that is holding you back that you have been wanting to try out, or join in on. Perhaps you are this close to stepping out of your comfort zone. Remind yourself that you can reinvent yourself as many times as you want.

Roar loud like a lion. Do it again. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth, sticking your tongue out (i.e. lion’s breath). As in yoga, this helps relieve stress and eliminate toxins. Now is the time to create the life you want. Use this to propel you into releasing anything that is standing in your way of becoming the best version of you.

Romanticize your life. Treat yourself with cozy, gentle care as you reflect and let go. Winter is still upon us, which means that actions may be slow – but that does not take away from the significance of the actions. Take time to rest, adore the space around you, do little things for yourself that make you live in the moment.

Aligned Actions

Grab a cozy cup of tea and settle into a comfy spot in your space, perhaps by the window or on your comfy couch. Reflect. What are some actions/energy/thoughts that are ready to be released from your mind, body, and soul? Treat yourself with grace and kindness as you think about what is ready to let go. This is a gift to yourself - do not take this ability to reflect on what needs to be changed lightly – it is a strength to be honest within your own mind. Thank yourself, and thank your past self for doing the best they could. Think about how much better your life will be as you release this energy. What a treat to your future self!


Gray, cold mornings make it easy to get sucked into a time warp on your phone. Reflect on your time management, and how you could read for another thirty minutes a day or dance to a few songs instead of mindless scrolling. Set a time limit on your phone, turn it on do not disturb at night, and thank yourself for starting to break habits – your future self is so grateful for the gift of presence!

Journal about how this will change your everyday life and what actions you can take. Thank yourself for being brave enough to be honest and ready to release.

Journal Questions:

How is my life going to improve after I release any stagnant energy?

What are some main character roles I can incorporate into my life to make every single day more fun and playful?

How can I romanticize my life? Example: Picture yourself in the opening scene of a movie as you walk across the road with your favorite music in your headphones. Dance a little, give a smile, compliment a stranger. These little moments are what make our hearts sing.

As always, thank you for reading along and being here. We are full of playful, fiery Leo energy as we romanticize our lives before big changes are coming our way. And we are so grateful!

Stay funky,

m + c


New Moon in Aquarius


New Moon in Capricorn