New Moon in Cancer

Friday, July 5th at 4:57 PM (MTN)

Happy New Moon in Cancer, babes! 

New moons are a powerful time of manifestation, of welcoming in, of breathing fresh air. It is a time of new beginnings, of delicious space left after we released during the full moon. It is a luscious period of stepping into your power and claiming your dream life.

The Moon is at home right now as it rules Cancer. This season can be an emotional one, as the tides of the moon may pull us around extra. Lean into this intuitive period full of feelings – it is best to go with the waves, rather than fight up current.

Harness this powerful energy and use it to tend to your life. This is a beautiful space to explore the emotional depths of yourself, whether it be past, present, or future. While Cancer loves to look back on the past, know that new beginnings arise when our emotional bodies are healed and our past is forgiven.  

What are you calling in? Is there an emotional strength that is calling to you? What aspect of your dream life is almost here? It’s time to welcome it in. The time is now. You are ready. The changes that you have been needing to make, the decisions you’ve been contemplating, or the exciting starts you have been putting off – it is time. Use this season of emotional abundance to support yourself and simply go for it.

Remember, it is a gift to be able to feel so strongly.

Soak up the summer sun. While Cancer season also brings in the darkness, it is the start of summer. Go outside and play. Nurture your inner child. Blow bubbles and have your friends dance through it. Set up the sprinkler. Eat popsicles. Remind yourself that life is about play and fun and romanticize it in every single way. 


Set the scene for tomorrow morning. How do you want the day to start? How does your dream life begin when you wake up? Journal about this - how your day would start specifically. Now is the time to implement it. Live your dream morning. Set yourself up for success. Channel the person you are becoming and start with the small steps. Note what you did that was different from the norm. Ask yourself, why can’t I do this every single day?


We are halfway through the numerical year. What has the last six months taught you? What have you learned, what have you gained? What have you lost? Summarize the last six months and truly reflect on how every aspect of your life helps guide you to where you are right now.

What are you hoping to happen in the next six months? How can you support yourself now to get yourself there?

Are you in tune with your emotions? Are you supportive to yourself in allowing yourself to feel? How else can you support your emotional health? Cancer season is all about the emotions, baby. It’s a strength to feel and to not allow yourself to numb.


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