Buck Full Moon

Sunday, July 21st at 4:17 AM (mtn)

Happy SECOND Full Moon in Capricorn!

We are closing out Cancer season with a ✨ rare ✨ and second full moon in Capricorn. Full moons are a time of transformation, of letting go, of releasing what no longer serves. What is coming to an end, so that we can rebuild? It is a delicious time to release and to cleanse.

Capricorn, a sign of honesty, structure, and ambition, paired with the emotional tides of tender and moody Cancer, is allowing us to release and let go TWICE during their twin flame season. Did you feel the intense pulls of your emotion during Cancer season? This past season was a doozy, full of high highs and low lows. It is a gift to be able to feel and to allow yourself to feel - thank yourself for it, even if you felt like this Cancer season was A LOT.

Do not ignore your feelings or intuition around this full moon. Recognize and allow all feelings to come to the forefront. Feel it. What are you thinking? What are you feeling?

Set intentions surrounding this full moon that will carry us through the next six months. While full moons are not a time for manifestation, we can set intentions for how we want to be - how we want to feel - how we want to take up space.

Cleanse your home. Get rid of what you are no longer using. What are you hanging onto? Why? Make a list. Start with your physical surroundings - what can you get rid of, pass on, to make space for your current self?

Now turn to your emotional home. What are you hanging onto? What needs to be released? Honor it. See it, recognize it. Feel into it. And if you are ready - intentionally let it go. And you know what? You are ready.

The full moon is at home during Cancer season. Stand outside and bathe under the glow. Listen to the silence.


Pick an area of your home - whether that be the kitchen, the living room, the closet, the bathroom. Clean it - start a pile with things that no longer serves you that you can donate or give away. Recognize how good this feels! Remove these items from your home - do not let them sit in a pile in your living room, or stay in your car. It feels so good and so cleansing to thoroughly do the work - get rid of something, and then actually get rid of it. ❤️ Use this energy to reflect on what emotion you are hanging onto, and work on truly, fully releasing it. You are ready. ⚡️


What is a habit I am ready to fully release? Why am I still doing this?


How will my life be better when I release this habit? How will this support me in fully stepping into my authentic self?


What is my intention until the next full moon? This can be something such as incorporating play as much as I can, spending time only with people who make me feel good, being careful with my energy, etc.

as always, thank you for taking the time to reflect with us.

in full moon gratitude,

m + c


New Moon in Leo


New Moon in Cancer