Strawberry Full Moon

Friday, June 21st at 7:07 PM (mtn)

Happy Summer Solstice, Cancer Season, and Full Moon in Capricorn, babes!

This is such a special time of the year. Summer Solstice was yesterday – the longest day of the year, that begins beckoning in the darkness. It is such an odd feeling to be starting summer and simultaneously calling on the darkness. It’s all about balance, baby.

Full moons are a time of closure - a time of releasing what no longer serves us, to make space for what is to come. It always feels amazing to dust off cobwebs and clear out our closet – even if getting the motivation to begin to ~ clean ~ is the hardest part.

Earthy Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is a sign all about structure. Whatever it is that is being released will help us manifest our intentions set six months ago. Think back to our last Capricorn season. What were you looking forward to, what were your goals? Have you completed any of them, or is there something (you?) still standing in your way? Now is the time to release it to completely step into your dream life. Feeling uncomfortable is a good thing. Use the ambitious and honest energy from Capricorn to help yourself!

We are experiencing two full moons in Capricorn this Cancer season, marking an intense month of realizing our own challenging beliefs towards ourselves and releasing them. Is there anyway you are self sabotaging yourself? Allow the emotional pull of Cancer season to help bring out your emotions. Feel, and let the waves wash through you.

It is the official start of summer – of Cancer season – and a full moon. Dance under the moonlight. Write yourself poems on the ways you self sabotage and burn them tonight. Acknowledge how you stand in your own way. You are your biggest cheerleader – it’s time to support the main player (AKA, YOU).


Go outside and lay in the sun. Romanticize your life. Wear a cute outfit. Be the main character. And write out a poem about all the ways you self sabotage. This may be serious, it may be playful. It may rhyme – it may be more of a rap. Write it out. Have fun while realizing the steps you can take to get out of your own way.


What is needing to be released in order for my dreams to come to fruition?


What are some reasons as to why I self sabotage? This may be staying up late when you have to get up early, or eating unhealthy when it doesn’t make you feel good, or spending time with someone that wasn’t fun. Realize and release.


What is it I am looking forward to, both in summer and in welcoming the darkness? It’s all about yin and yang, baby.

as always, thank you for taking the time to reflect with us.

in full moon gratitude,

m + c


New Moon in Cancer


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