New Moon in Capricorn

Happy 2024 and Happy New Moon, babes!

New moons are the perfect time to contemplate fresh starts, beginnings, and the powerful potential for transformations. 2024 brings sparkling energy and reflections on how we want to live our lives. This new moon in Capricorn is perfectly paired for the start of a new year – the structured energy of Capricorn is very supportive to hold space for visions on who you want and desire to be. Rest assured knowing that you do not need to have it all figured out – focus on how you want to feel, and start with small actions to help you cultivate those delicious feelings.

Capricorn is a focused sign, helping us paint the version of ourselves in a practical way. Remain accountable to yourself during this time and be aware of the energy you are putting out to see if it matches what energy you envision yourself having. The best transformations happen slowly, through focus and commitment, which earthy Capricorn loves.

While the new year always boasts a time for change and ‘resolutions,’ remember that winter is for rest, recharging, and relaxing. Sleep, soup, and cozy nights in are calling our names, which may not align with the fast charged energy to get up early, implement new hard routines or difficult gym plans.

Remember to put emphasis on play, laughter, and care for yourself during this new moon. Is there a new version of yourself waiting to be unlocked this year/time period? What are some aligned actions that feel good that make it easy to hold yourself accountable? Set yourself up for fun success during this season in Capricorn – we are leaning into easy, flowy and glowy growth. Capricorn season helps us feel centered, clear, and ready – harness this energy and help it propel you forward into your dream life.

Capricornus Constellation - Capricorn


Picture the version of yourself you are joyfully creating. What does she/he/they look like, how do they act, what do they wear? How do they fill their day? Imagine a full day with this beautiful version of yourself (maybe simply just an elevated version of you right now). Enjoy a cup of tea, coffee, or any delicious beverage as you daydream about this.

Example: We are daydreaming of the day we open up a physical space in Funk It’s dream location. The day is warm with bright sunlight shining through big windows, the inside of the space is colorful, cozy, inviting, and loving. Markie and Chloe are behind the coffee bar, making delicious, quality drinks for customers who we love and feel endless gratitude towards. Our thrift side is full of unique pieces that make people feel good and help express who they are. Our dream shop has come to life in this vision.

Journal about this daydream and jot down ideas that feel good and fun to implement to get you there!


What is the energy I wish to use to carry myself through these next two weeks?

What are some transformations my body has been itching to make (spiritually, mentally, physically)?

Examples of this – sleeping in without guilt, waiting to drink coffee until after breakfast, doing movement that sparks joy, journaling, meditating

How can I hold myself accountable during this time in a way that makes my heart happy and makes it easy?

Thank you for reading along and being here. 2024 is the year Funk It’s dreams are coming to fruition and we are absolutely tickled pink to have you along for the ride. Our hearts are full of endless gratitude.

Stay funky,

m + c


Wolf Moon in Leo


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