New Moon in Pisces

Sunday, March 10th

New moon in Pisces with the first sign in the middle

Happy New Moon in Pisces, watery babes!

New moons are a time for fresh intentions, new beginnings, and clean slates. Combine this energy with the emotional dreaminess of Pisces and you will truly believe that anything is possible. Spring is coming, longer days are ahead, and the sun is shining bright. Mature and compassionate, Pisces feels the weight of the entire world and feels close to fellow humans. Channel this power to connect with your community.

Pisces, ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, love personal growth, spirituality, and meditation. This energy is perfectly combined with the new moon as we look towards our aspirations and inspirations to continue creating our new dream life. Doors continue to open for all of us, and new moons beckon us through these doors, encouraging us to try out new beginnings.

Remember to continue to put emphasis on play during this new moon. Life should be filled with fun little moments. Use this time to dream about how you can continue incorporating more play into your life. How can you do this in a way that it supports all other aspects in your life? A creative mind or practice helps strengthen our mind in every way and is good for all of us.

Practice some meditation techniques with inspiration from Pisces. This spiritual season encourages us to wade further into the depths of our own lives. Set an intention to try meditating, or a new form of meditating if you already do so. Connect with your spiritual side, and do not forget to balance it out with playful dreaminess. And remember: you are already living your dream life.


Aligned Action:

Try a new meditation technique. Perhaps this is sitting in silence for five minutes, trying to clear your mind of all thoughts. Perhaps this is going for a walk and staying present the entire time – in tune with everything around you, all the sights, smells, breezes you feel. Perhaps this is a dancing meditation, where you move freely and let your body guide you. Whatever it is, try it out. How does this make you feel?

Journal Prompts

What is the energy I wish to use to propel me through these next two weeks? What new beginnings am I excited about? This can be as small as reading a new book, or perhaps starting a new friendship, or a new job. Recognize the new beginnings and thank yourself for them.

What are my spiritual practices right now? If you don’t have any, why? Contemplate this and think about how this makes you feel. Pisces energy love emotional depth, so don’t be afraid to think deeply and truly within yourself. The goal is to be aware of all our choices in this life; so choosing that self awareness is beautiful.


What are some ways I am currently growing in my life? If I feel stagnant right now, what can I do to shake things up to encourage self-growth?


Thank you for reading along and being here. We are currently pinching ourselves as our dreams are coming to fruition and it would not be happening without all of you. Our cups are overflowing.


Stay funky,


Markie and Chloe


Worm Moon in Libra


Snow Full Moon in Virgo