Worm Moon in Libra

Monday, March 25 at 1:00 AM MTN in Libra

Full Moon in Libra that has a swan and the Libra constellation with a lunar eclipse in the background

Welcome to Eclipse season!


Eclipses are portals of transformation. Eclipses are the cycle of life itself – always in motion and forever changing, becoming, dying, and transforming. They empower us and clear out what is no longer needed. Lunar eclipses occur during the full moon phase, and like full moons, typically mark the end of a cycle. This eclipse season is extra chaotic and intense, as Mercury retrograde is also looming. Lean into the dramatic flair of this time and be ready for any feelings that come up. Understand these emotions may be heightened which can make us respond impulsively – practice breathing and taking a pause before reacting.

Full moons are a time of letting go of what no longer serves us – whether that be energy, relationships, habits, or a part of yourself that no longer aligns with you. As Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, this release may come with realizations as to where our love is being sent, and if it is truly nourishing for ourselves.

This full moon in Libra is full of energy that is putting us into deep transformation and awakening – and it is highlighting relationships in our lives, including (and this is a big one) the relationship we have with ourselves. Libra reminds us to connect with our hearts and to lead with communication and compassion from this place.

This lunar eclipse is ending a cycle that began in October – or giving you a sense of renewal to continue. Think back to last October – how were you feeling? How were your relationships, including the one with yourself? Is there anything that is coming to a complete end, or are you ready to renew and continue with abundance? How are your boundaries surrounding this relationship? Boundaries are healthy and help us lead with clarity.

Trust that whatever is coming is for your highest good. Listen to your intuition, and lead with love and compassion (especially towards yourself). Remind yourself to pause before you react and respond. A deep breath, an extra hour, or an extra day before you reply or decide is always welcomed during this time.

During eclipse season – do not sign any contracts, any paperwork, or intensely finalize anything. It is time to go with the flow of this energy around us. Don’t forget to balance out the intense feelings from this time with little treats for yourself. Libra is all about the finer things in life, so make yourself a delicious dinner, or buy yourself an extra coffee. You deserve it.

Aligned Actions

Grab a cozy cup of tea and sit outside, or by the window. Ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths and recognizing all that is around you. Do you see any signs of spring? Are there people out walking and chatting? Do you hear any birds? Once your mind feels calm, think back to October. How was your relationship with yourself at this time? Were you sacrificing anything for yourself for others? We are all human, and it can be hard to continuously put ourselves first. Is there anything that is coming full circle for yourself that is needed to be released?

Place one hand on your heart, and then place your other on top of that hand. Remind yourself to make decisions for yourself leading with love from this place. Promise yourself to practice grace, compassion, and love towards yourself first before anyone else. What comes up when you make these promises to yourself? Reflect on this, and make note of it.

Journal Questions:

Where in your life do you compromise your own happiness for others? For example, when do you say ‘yes’ when you really want to say ‘no’?

What connections in your life drain you, and what connections lift you up? Full Moons are all about closure. What needs to be released that you are hanging onto that is continuously taking your energy?


What part of your relationship with yourself is draining? What nourishes your relationship and growth within yourself? Self awareness is the key to growth. Celebrate the fact that you can recognize the habits within you that drain you as well as nourishes you.

As always, thank you for being here with us. Our cups are endlessly overflowing with the glittery gratitude we feel towards our community. Enjoy the roller coaster that is eclipse season - we know we will!

Stay funky,

m + c


New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse in Aries


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