New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

It’s time to step through this portal and become the true leader of your precious life on this planet Earth.

Eclipses are incredible portals of transformation. Solar eclipses occur during new moons, calling for new beginnings. This solar eclipse is all about our own destiny and our soul’s purpose – use the energy from this eclipse to propel what we are already manifesting forward. While the chaos from eclipse season may not necessarily be the best time to start manifesting or starting something completely new, it is a great time to focus on what we already want and have dreamt of.

Trust in the universe and divine timing. What have you been calling in to your life? What are any limiting beliefs surrounding this manifestation or this dream, that is holding you back? What are you afraid of when you think of this manifestation? Have complete trust in what is coming for you – allow it to happen. Relinquish control and let the universe show you that you are ready.


Aries, ruled by Mars, is a natural leader. As the first sign in the zodiac, they begin the astrological year. Use this courageous confidence from the Ram – it is the beginning of the year, it is time for fresh starts, it is time to be the leader in your own life. Let this fire sign spark inspiration for you.

Communicate and assert yourself in healthy ways. Maybe there have been some aspects where you have been allowing others to speak for you or guide you – now is the time to take complete control of your own life. You are the leader - you are the main character. Reclaim your power and your own unique spot in this world. It is waiting for you, and always has been.



Take some time for yourself during this season and slow down. Witness yourself being a human in this physical world. Do something where you connect with yourself on this Planet Earth. Maybe this means going for a walk in nature alone and not listening to anything – just simply being present. This might mean sitting outside and staring at the sky (though not while the eclipse is happening – safety glasses, people!). This might mean dipping your fingers in the cold river and witnessing the change happening around us as the world comes alive again. Connect with being a human. Connect with yourself, and then carry that energy with you for the rest of the day. Perhaps draw yourself a bath and soak in it. Paint something and notice exactly how it feels to be human. See your place in this world. You have one, and it is very special.




What is one of my biggest manifestations (or dreams) right now? Why do I want this? How will it make me feel? Envision yourself already having this manifestation – whether it be a new house, relationship, job, or habit you are working on. In your mind – see yourself doing this. Feel how it feels. Act like you do.


Do you ever betray yourself for others? Why? How does it make you feel? When was the last time you were true to yourself and said no? Remember, you are your own leader in your life.


How does it feel to be a human on planet earth? How does your place on this earth feel right now? What shifts can you make?

As always, thank you for being here. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself during this chaotic time. Slow down - there is no need to rush on big decisions. Witness yourself as a human and lead with gratitude.

with all the love,

m + c 


Pink Full Moon in Scorpio


Worm Moon in Libra