Pink Full Moon in Scorpio

April 23, 2024 at 5:48 pm

happy full moon,

Funk It babes! The cosmos are calling us out and helping us release what no longer is needed during this Pink Full Moon. Full Moons are typically associated with closure. This helps us become aware of our surroundings or perspectives to make better goals or decisions that will continue to lead us towards our dream life. This is a time of heightened emotions, intense dreams, and many feelings. What a blessing it is to be able to feel.

Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto, is a deeply intuitive sign, full of emotion and magic. Scorpio energy is dark, deep, and full of mystery. A passionate sign, they are the symbol of transformation and desire. Scorpio helps reveal our shadow and appreciate our darkness. We can use this energy to ask ourselves – what do we desire to transform in our lives? What needs to be let go of, so we can welcome a little more magic into the unknown to see what it becomes?

Full Moons bring a heightened sense of emotion, and when combined with the emotional pull of Scorpions, be prepared for extra feelings. Lean into this and trust what is coming up. Take the time to truly dive into the deep, cool water of Scorpio to learn and to let that shit go. Carve out space to allow yourself to fully feel and be present in the moment. It is truly one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.

Themes for this full moon include trust and intimacy. How can you let in more of this into your life? Are there any blocks that need to be released to make more room for delicious intimacy? Intimacy can be so many things to us and it is important to continuously look to let it in. Life is about connection.

As this Full Moon occurs in Taurus season, a grounded sign, utilize the combination of life and death, growth and decay. Taurus is connected with the growth of spring, while Scorpio reminds us of mysterious death. Reflect on the balance between this in your life. Think of it as pruning off the dead leaves from your plants so that new growth can blossom there. This is a natural process – appreciate it and love it. Recognize what needs to be trimmed and thank it for being there. Look forward to what will blossom in its place.


Go outside and connect with nature. Feel the spring energy of Taurus season, find new blossoms, the color green popping, the birds chirping. Sit and be present with this. Take a few deep breaths while connecting your bare hands or feet with the earth, exhaling long and slow. Contemplate on your most recent shadow side that showed itself. What triggered it? How did you handle it? Did you treat yourself with grace and compassion? Reflect on your shadow side. Are you aware of your triggers? Thank the Scorpion energy for allowing us to be present with all sides of who we truly are.


What are some of your triggers? When thinking about doing the work, what comes up? Harness Scorpio energy to allow us to sit with our shadow and love all sides of it. Is there anything that has been pushed aside that you need to sit with?

What needs to be released in order to allow more magic into your life? This may be friendships, habits, self talk tendencies – whatever it is, thank it – and let it go. Write it on a piece of paper and burn it – or cold plunge into the river as you promise to release it.

With themes of trust and intimacy, what is a reaction you have when hearing those words? Do you flinch away from them, or do they have a warm, inviting tone to them? How can you be more trusting (to yourself or others)? How can you invite more intimacy, more close connections into your life?

as always, thank you for being here and taking the time to reflect.

in overflowing gratitude,

m + c


New Moon in Taurus


New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse in Aries