New Moon in Taurus

Tuesday, May 7th at 9:21 PM (MTN)

Happy New Moon in Taurus, cosmic funk family!

New moons are opportunities for fresh starts and exciting beginnings. They bring new energy into our lives as we dream about the life we are creating – the life we already have – and how we can make it even better.

As this new moon occurs in Taurus, ruled by Venus, we are lovingly reminded to continue grounding ourselves in the present moment and utilize the earthy energy of the Bull to think of the fresh starts we are ready to take. What are you ready to step into?

Taurus season is all about abundance, decadence, and self love.

How are you abundant in your own life? Abundance chases abundance. Instead of coming from a place of want and need, manifest that you already are abundant in it and watch as even more comes into your sphere. If you are desiring more financial stability, repeat to yourself that you are abundant financially and have financial freedom. Affirmations such as ‘money flows easily to me,’ (from one of my favorite affirmation songs $money Mantra$ by Moonlight Scorpio) helps reinstate your abundance and welcomes in even more. Are you craving more connection? Repeat to yourself, ‘I am love and I am connection.’ Be full of gratitude for all your connections and community you already have and remember - even more is on its way.

Taurus season is a beautiful time to re-evaluate your self worth and self esteem within yourself.

How can you love yourself more?

How can you give yourself more grace and compassion?

How do you continuously show up for yourself?

Lead with promising to love yourself more and more every single day. Even if your heart feels that it is about to burst with love for yourself (as it should) our self love can continuously expand and grow more and more. Utilize the loving energy of Venus to continue to treat yourself as the love of your life – because you are.


Write yourself a love letter. Light a candle, pour yourself some delicious water and squeeze some fresh lemon in it. Place both hands on top of one another over your heart and breathe in deeply. Tell yourself you love yourself. Say it out loud, or internally. ‘I love you.’ Start writing a letter about how much you love yourself and what exactly you love. Go into detail. Next, utilize this loving energy to write about any fresh starts or beginnings you are ready to take to take your life to the next level. The love you give yourself will help propel these steps into your life. Don’t forget to romanticize every moment of it.


What am I ready to call more of into my life? What do I need to do to make space for this energy?


How am I abundant in my life? Expand on this and make a list from your journal entry to hang in your bathroom, or somewhere you will see it everyday. Remember – abundance chases abundance. Reflect on every single way you are abundant and write it down. Details are important.


How can I treat myself with more love in my day to day moments? From eating habits, to saying ‘no’ to things that do not serve us, to keeping our home clean – reflect on the ways your love for yourself can expand and watch the ripple it creates all through your life.

As always, thank you for being here. We are forever grateful for this abundant life.

m + c


Flower Full Moon


Pink Full Moon in Scorpio