cosmic journal

New Moon in Taurus
New Moon Markie Russell New Moon Markie Russell

New Moon in Taurus

As this new moon occurs in Taurus, ruled by Venus, we are lovingly reminded to continue grounding ourselves in the present moment and utilize the earthy energy of the Bull to think of the fresh starts we are ready to take.

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Pink Full Moon in Scorpio
Full Moon Markie Russell Full Moon Markie Russell

Pink Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moons bring a heightened sense of emotion, and when combined with the emotional pull of Scorpions, be prepared for extra feelings. Lean into this and trust what is coming up. Take the time to truly dive into the deep, cool water of Scorpio to learn and to let that shit go. Carve out space to allow yourself to fully feel and be present in the moment.

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Worm Moon in Libra
Full Moon, Eclipse Markie Russell Full Moon, Eclipse Markie Russell

Worm Moon in Libra

This full moon in Libra is full of energy that is putting us into deep transformation and awakening – and it is highlighting relationships in our lives, including (and this is a big one) the relationship we have with ourselves. Libra reminds us to connect with our hearts and to lead with communication and compassion from this place.

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New Moon in Pisces
New Moon Markie Russell New Moon Markie Russell

New Moon in Pisces

New moons are a time for fresh intentions, new beginnings, and clean slates. Combine this energy with the emotional dreaminess of Pisces and you will truly believe that anything is possible.

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Snow Full Moon in Virgo
Full Moon Chloe Russell Full Moon Chloe Russell

Snow Full Moon in Virgo

Leo, ruled by the Sun, reminds us of how much fun it is to play and romanticize your life. Lions stand proud, loyal and courageous, and aren’t afraid to jump in and try something new. Remind yourself that you can reinvent yourself as many times as you want.

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New Moon in Aquarius
New Moon Markie Russell New Moon Markie Russell

New Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, is all about inspiring change for the common good. This revolutionary planet loves to consider the views of as many people as possible around them, sharing wise, loving insight all around. Channel this energy and think of ways that you can connect to your community and loved ones around you.

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Wolf Moon in Leo
Full Moon Chloe Russell Full Moon Chloe Russell

Wolf Moon in Leo

Leo, ruled by the Sun, reminds us of how much fun it is to play and romanticize your life. Lions stand proud, loyal and courageous, and aren’t afraid to jump in and try something new. Remind yourself that you can reinvent yourself as many times as you want.

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New Moon in Capricorn
New Moon Chloe Russell New Moon Chloe Russell

New Moon in Capricorn

This new moon in Capricorn is perfectly paired for the start of a new year – the structured energy of Capricorn is very supportive to hold space for visions on who you want and desire to be. Rest assured knowing that you do not need to have it all figured out – focus on how you want to feel, and start with small actions to help you cultivate those delicious feelings.

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Pop-up Shop
Chloe Russell Chloe Russell

Pop-up Shop

Curious about what Funk It pop up shops looks like, and what to expect? We’ve written the exact guide you’ve been waiting for…

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